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IPSecurity IBM i SIEM 


IPSecurtiy IBM i

If your business uses SIEM technology, it's critical to integrate IBM i security information with early detection and response solutions for threats across all business systems. Unfortunately, integrating IBM i systems into an enterprise SIEM platform is challenging due to the multiple security log sources within the IBM i that must be monitored, their data formats, and the expertise required to analyze and integrate this data and requires a third-party solution to bridge the gap.

IPSecurity is capable of forwarding that real-time data to SIEM systems such as IBM QRadar, Solar Winds, Splunk, ArcSight, LogRhythm, LogPoint, Netwrix and others for integrated real-time analysis with security data from other platforms.

IPSecurity Advantage

Fully integrating IBM i security information into your SIEM

Service skills number one, two, three

Specially designed to control IBM i security events, monitor and audit.

Restrict access to the most vulnerable services to protect information. (1).png

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